Help Us Bring America's Music to Central PA!
The Central Pennsylvania Ragtime & American Music Festival is our nation's most intimate ragtime festival and best kept secret! Contributions are critical to sustaining and growing this beloved attraction. Your support in maintaining this tradition will be greatly appreciated.

Festival Sponsorship
Donors / sponsors are recognized on the Central PA website, in the Festival program, and in email updates. They are also invited to the Donor Party; and receive tiered ticket packages. Contributions in any amount are graciously accepted. All contributions are eligible as a charitable tax donation.
Tier 1 - Festival Donor - $100 (receives 1 ticket to 1 concert*)
Tier 2 - Festival Sponsor - $250 (receives 3 tickets to 1 concert*)
Tier 3 - Festival Partner - $500 (receives 1 All Access Pass**)
Tier 4 - Festival Favorite - $750 (receives 2 All Access Pass**)
Tier 5 - Railroad Fireman - $1000 (Receives 3 All Access Passes**)
Tier 6 - Railroad Engineer - $2500 (Receives 8 All Access Passes**)
The Central Pennsylvania Ragtime & American Music Festival is a registered 501(c)3 non‐profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of the Central Pennsylvania Ragtime & American Music Festival must be made payable to “Central Pennsylvania Ragtime & American Music Festival Inc” and are tax‐deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Click here to make a tax-deductible donation via Credit Card/Paypal!
If you prefer, you can also donate by check. Please send contributions to:
Central PA Ragtime & American Music Festival
P.O. Box 139
Rockhill Furnace, PA 17249
Checks should be made payable to Central Pennsylvania Ragtime & American Music Festival with the tier of your donation level listed in the memo line. Please enclose our donation form (click here) with your check. Thank you for your generous support!
* Please note - Tiers 1-2 free tickets are not applicable for any co-sponsored events with the East Broad Top Railroad.
**Please note - All Access passes do not include regularly scheduled rides with the East Broad Top Railroad. Tickets for those experiences must be purchased separately through their respective websites/ticket offices.
Sponsor An Artist - NEW FOR 2024!
Do you want to see a specific artist that isn't listed on our performers page? Have a group in mind that you'd like to see at the festival? Contact us to see about sponsoring an artist for the festival!
Concert Program Advertising
The programs we offer bring in hundreds of people from across the United States and beyond to Central Pennsylvania. Some are friends in the local community, some come from as far away as Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and other countries. Patrons want to know what other experiences are offered alongside our festival, be it dining, other attractions, lodging, etc. Our patrons would love to know what you have to offer.
When you advertise in the Central PA Ragtime & American Music Festival’s program, you have a direct exposure to hundreds of people, both local and visiting, who want to experience our community. You also show that you care and support a thriving arts organization like the Central PA Ragtime & American Music Festival. Please consider joining us with an ad in our Festival program. You’ll be glad you did.
Ad Rate (Same Price for Color or Black & White):
Full Page: $250 Size: 4.625” x 7.625”**
Half Page: $125 Size: 4.625” x 3.75”
Quarter Page: $75 Size: Horizontal 4.625” x 1.8125” / Vertical 2.25” x 3.75”
**bleed size, add .125” around all edges, so trim size is 5.5” x 8.5”, bleed size is 5.75” x 8.75”
Mechanical Specifications: All ads must be submitted in an electronic format, no hard copies.
Program/formats accepted: Photoshop, eps, tif, bmp, or high resolution PDF.
Ad Deadline: All ads must be submitted for publication no later than Monday, September 11, 2023 for inclusion in the booket.
Festival Programs will be distributed to attendees and the general public over the festival weekend. All Sponsors will be recognized verbally at each concert, featured on the Festival’s Social Media Page (, in our regular email blasts, and on the Festival’s website, To submit an ad, or for more information, contact Andrew Greene, Festival Director, at: (443) 694-4116 /
2024 Festival Partners
We are thankful to the following partners/donors who helped make the 2024 Central PA Ragtime & American Music Festival possible:
Railroad Engineer ($2500+)
Janne & Bill Wissel
Jan & Terry Bender
Railroad Fireman ($1000-2499)
Robert Buckler
Fred & Karen Younkins
Festival Partner ($500-999)
Bill Hoffmann
Dr. Scott E. Brown
Debbie & Ed Kompare
Debbie & Brent Greene
Natalie Sturr
Festival Sponsor ($250-499)
Matthew Malkiewicz, Lost Tracks of Time Photography
Mark Liss
Festival Donor ($100-249)
General Festival Support (Below $100)
Matt & Lindy Eary
Festival Supporters/Production Partners:
The East Broad Top Foundation / East Broad Top Railroad
The Huntingdon County Arts Council
Andy's Outback Grill
Little Goodies Scoops of Heaven
Harshbarger's Sub N' Malt
Orbisonia Presbyterian Church
Andrea Speck
Fred Fornwalt Piano Tuning